Process delivery time

How Frequent Should You Release Software Versions?

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Reading time: 5 minutes “How often should my company release new features for my software products?” and “How frequently should I release new versions?” are some of the questions I get all the time. Companies around the globe are responding to them with a wide range of approaches, making new […]

Worker with a hammer

Specialization – Against Mediocrity

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Reading time: 2 minutes Only differentiated companies grow and outstand. Mediocre companies fight even to survive. What attributes can a company address in order to differentiate itself from the crowd? Just about every relevant business component may be explored with that purpose: products, services, logistics, recruiting, training, communication, information systems, […]

Project management icons

Software Project Management: Beyond Methodologies

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Reading time: 6 minutes Luckily for all those not involved with researching and developing work methods, there are models and references for complex software processes—at least, that is, for the most common processes, such as development, testing, customer support and project management. For the latter, the Project Management Institute (PMI) […]

Ernani Ferrari

Software Metrics and Indicators Are More than Corporate Statistical Instruments

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Reading time: 2 minutes Software metrics and performance indicators are more than simple mathematical and statistical elements. They are also elements of psychological and behavioral impact on people and organizations since the way in which they are measured strongly determines the reactions of both people and organizations. Metrics and indicators […]

Ernani Ferrari

Strategic Planning: Management Tool or Ritual?

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Reading time: 6 minutes If actions such as implementing corrective and evolutionary measures, adapting product and service portfolios, ensuring proper market positioning, defending a company against the competition, exploring potential business opportunities, establishing strategic partnerships and improving business processes, among so many others, are difficult to carry out with proper […]

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